Immerse yourself in the world of Venezuelan designer Gaby Ray and discover her exquisite collection of handcrafted, exclusive pieces. Each design is a work of art, carefully crafted with precision and passion. These treasures are perfect for layering, allowing you to mix and match colors and shapes to create your own unique style. Each and every piece is meticulously crafted by hand, using only the most exquisite natural stones, this means that no two pieces are identical.
Zafiro Jewellers is a sustainable jewelry brand that features a collection of fine pieces designed to last a lifetime. A brand created for women to tell their story while feeling confident, gorgeous and feminine.
Store Hours & Address
Mon - Wed CLOSED
Thursday - Sat - 12 PM - 5PM NO APPT NEEDED
Sunday - 12:30 PM- 4 PM NO APPT NEEDED
440 S Main St, Fort Worth, TX 76104.